In a past post I talked about how before having my second kiddo I was on the fast track to getting healthy. I had enough energy to fly around and get not only everything done for the day but also grab my new breathable spandex cape and get a good 2-3 hour work out at the gym every weekday! It was amazing... *sigh*, I miss those days. Anyways, I have made the first steps in getting that cape back on. Since having baby #2 I have lost 30 of the "oh I'm pregnant" pounds that I so shamelessly gained during that very short time. Yay!!! Unfortunately I have very little of the lean muscle left. No I cant quite fit in my Spandex cape quite yet but I'm bound and determined to before my 7Th anniversary in 2 weeks. Next step: walking, jogging, workout whenever where ever! So let me tell you how I did it..
I started to read this book "Thin Within" by Halliday. Its a grace-oriented approach to lasting weight loss, at least that's what it says in the book and what I found to be true, until I started stuffing myself cause I was "eating for 2 (ok maybe more like 3)". It highlights the fact that ones stomach is naturally their fist size. So if you eat when you are at a 0 (on a scale from 0 stomach growling really hungry-10 hurting your so full) and only eat your fist size that you will naturally get down to your God given size no less no more. The first time around I lost 20 lb and lost 2 dress sizes in about a month. Then started to work out and build lean muscle and went down another size. It was going awesome till one day on warming up on the tread mill I started to feel sick... and hour later and a pregnancy test found out I was pragers! Long story short (as my dad always says) it really works and you never feel like your starving.
I think the reason why its worked for me is cause I can eat whatever I want as long as I don't over eat. I literally have eaten a piece of cake for breakfast (cause I was craving it). But after a few days your body will start telling you what it needs (no joke). You will start craving milk, eggs, fruit, veggies, and bread. Its amazing how God really did make our bodies to inform us when we need something or don't need anything. This made it so that I could cook anything and everything for my family and not have to make a separate meal for me, or have to pay out the nose for food that was pre-packaged and full of processed junk all to shed some weight.
The result: about 4 weeks ago I started back with this approach. This morning I just weighed myself and I have lost 18 since starting. That's almost FIVE POUNDS a week!!!! Yes I've fallen off the wagon but I'm walking with the Lord on this one and really Im not going to beat myself up for something I know takes time.
Food for thought... 1Corinthians 10:31- So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. If we have excepted Him in our hearts then how are we keeping up on the maintenance of the place in us in witch he is (our bodies)?
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