Saturday, August 21, 2010

Spider Webs And All!

OK, yes I know I'm a slacker but give me a break its been very stressful around here! You see I thought since the hubby would be spending more time around the house that I would have tons of me time... well at least a bit more from day to day. Instead Our schedule has increased by what seems like 4 people instead of just one. No complaining here, we really have been enjoying our time together as a family its just this has been the only 3 day period that we have not been out of town since.... almost two months ago! And in that time there has been a few changes, the best one being that we are DEBT FREE! Yay, finally even with all the "stuff" life has been throwing our way (job loss, baby #2, and the house being on the market) we still scraped, pinched and saved and by some miracle God made it work for us. Cant tell you how awesome it feels. Best thing we have ever done for our marriage and our family. But enough with all that lets get to cleaning up some of these cob webs...

Although cutting back on the bills has been hard its also been great! In fact not only did I nail the plan for the last post but I just challenged myself to another. This past Monday I "needed" to go shopping for food, or so I thought. With less then $40 cash left till the next check comes in (11 days) I had to make a change. I made a meal plan for the remainder of the pay period with what little I had on hand (fridge/freezer/cupboards). Made a short list for fresh fruits to finish it off and sent the hubby to pick them up and grab a hair cut. With $20 left for gas for this week (if needed) all has gone pretty good. Still have 6 days to go but all is on track. My cape might have been tightened up but I think it fits better now! When you think you "have" to go grab a few things to make dinner double check your stock again just maybe you'll see a week or more worth of food that's just been sitting there.

This next week Ill have a few more post. PROMISE!
So back to dreaming about new aprons or at least surfing the web for some.

Laura Bray


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