Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another Day .... Hopefully Another Dollar!

As I have said in another post my hubby has been laid off and that means we are yet again trimming up the budget. Saddly my already skinny little, itty bitty food budget has become some what anorexic now. SO yes this foodie is forced to make some sad changes. Or do I? You see this is my problem I thought it was going to be "so " hard trimming it the first time and really it wasn't all that bad. So I have come to brain storm yet again.

There are 4 of us that depend on me to save meal time. The first being a big eater, the kind that you have to hint that he has had enough and if he gets thirds we wont be able to use whats left for what I have planed for the next days meal. Then there's myself... yes I am a foodie but I'm not to picky when it comes to eating a veriation of the same thing for a few days. The third is a bit tricky. You see she is a monster when it comes to food, anything and everything and will only stop when you tell her "now you've had more then enough". And last but not least, our bitty one is just starting to get a hang of this hole solid food "thing". You know the more I think about it the harder it is to be feeding these foodie on such a small budget. Man.....,O-well "life" dishes you up all kinds of challenges "so suck it up mommy and start getting more creative".

My big challenge the next few weeks is cheap meals, and I mean CHEAP! I will be searching for lots of Ideas and hopefully sharing lots of susseses. BTW- If you have any advice do share.


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